Category: Wills

  • Will of West, Timothei

    In the Name of God Amen I Timothie West of Horton in the County of Bucks paper maker being sick and weak in body but of perfect and sound mind and memorie thanks be to Almightie God and considering the uncertainty of the continuance of this  present life and the certaintie of death I doe make…

  • Will of Salter, David 1670

    In the Name of God Amen I David Salter of Iver alias Ever in the County of Bucks gent being weak and infirme in body but of sound and perfect for which thereof I most humbly thank my gracious God And considering the certanty of  death and the uncertainty of this transitory life doe make…

  • Will of Salter, William, 1630

    In the name of God Amen I William Salter at this tyme Consall for the English Marchante trading the Lavant, being in perfect health and memory considering the frailty of man have thought good to write with my owne hand this  my will and testament in manner and forme following In the first place bequeathing…

  • Will of Salter, Ursula, 1649

    In the name of God Amen This is the last will and testament of me Dame Ursula Salter of Richinge within the parish of Iver in the County of Bucks widow And first I comend my soule unto the hands of Almighty god from whome I were aved it And as for my body I leave it to…

  • Will of Wakefield, Richard, 1712

    In the name of God Amen This first day of Nov Anno Don 1712 I Richard Wakefield of Colebrook in ye p[ar]ish of Langley Marish in the County of Bucks Malster being sick & weak of body but of sound & pfect mind &  memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God but calling to…

  • Will of Slocombe, Dorothy 1671

    In the name of God Amen the three and twentieth day of February Anno Dmni 1670 and in the three and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereigne Lord King Charles the Second of England &c I Dorothye Slocombe of Colebrook in the Countie of Buck widdow being weake in body but of  perfect mind…

  • Will of Saxon, Samuel 1688

    In the name of God Amen the fourth day of August in the fourth year of the Raigne of our  Soveraigne Lord James the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith anno Domini One Thousand Six Hundred eighty eight I Samuel Saxon of Colebrooke in the…

  • Will of Trigg, William 1699

    In the name of God Amen I William Trigg of Colebrook in the Countie of Buck Chirergeon being weake in body but of a p[er]fect mind and memory thanks be to almighty god, doe make this my last will and testament first I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god and my body…

  • Will of Thare, Jeffery 1623

    In the name of god Amen The one and twenteth daie of December 1622 in the Twenteth yeare of the Raign our sovraigne Lord Kinge James of England &c. I Jeffery Thare of Colebrooke in the Countie of Bucke Shoomaker beinge sick in bodie but of good and perfect memorie thanckes be to god for…

  • Will of Bonner, Richard, 1627

    In the name of god Amen. I Richard Bonner of Colebrooke in the County of Bucks Inholder being sick in body but of perfect memory thanks be given to God therefore do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz first I give and bequeath my soule into the hands…

  • Will of Barckeloy, Jacobi, 1583

    In the name of god amen, James Barckeloy of Colbrocke in the  Counties of Buckingham Baker in uppon or abowte Shrove Sondaye in the yeare of our Lord god according to the compuation of the Churche of Englande one thousand fyve hundred eightie twoe, being whole of bodye and of good and perfectt mynde and…

  • Will of Balnett, John 1551

    In the name of god Amen I Johannas Balnett of Colbrooke in the countie of Buck bearebrnor the xiij daye of August anno one Milliumo quangente sumo quantonaye sumo primo ed Anno Regin dud Edwardi sexti die ural Anglci Grance Hiberm Regs fodi defensor et in terra ealie Anglcane et hibernce dimpmi captis quinto  …

  • Memo of Davies, Lewis, 1674

    Memorandum That on or about the Eighteenth day of June In the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seventy four Lewis Davies late of Abberdenddiur in the parish of Dacccoweri in the County of Montgomery But at Colebrook in the County of Buck deceased lying then sick of the sickness whereof he…

  • Will of West, Richard 1750

    In the name of God Amen I Richard West of Colnbrook in the County of Bucks husbandman Do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) I give unto my Sister Mary one Shilling of lawful British money I give unto my Sister Jane one Shilling of like…

  • Will of John West 1735

    In the name of God Amen I John West of Colebrooke in the Parish of Langley Marish in the County of Bucks Yeoman being Indisposed in Health but of sound and prefect Mind Memory and Understanding (praised be God therefore) Do make and declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following…

  • Will of West, John 1686

    In the name of God Amen I John West the elder of Horton in the County of Bucks Gent bin infirm of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be therefore given to almighty God Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner following Impris I give and…

  • Will of West, Henry 1695

    In the name of God Amen I Henry West of Stanwell in the County of Middlesex Papermaker being sicke in Body but of sound and perfect mind; doe make my last will and testament in manner and form following Impreimus I commit my soul to god who gave it; and my Body to the Earth…

  • Will of Ludgoll, Rennold, 1634

    In the name of God Amen, I Rennold Ludgoll of Colebrook in the County of Bucks Tanner although sicke in body yet perfect and will in mind and memory (god be praised ) do make this my last will and testament dated the Third day of October in the year of our Lord God One…